Cladogram Info The options menu under the gear icon has the following 3 items: Zoom In - self explanatory. Zoom Out - self explanatory. Horizontal or Vertical View - allows for toggling between the default vertical view similar to Alex Williamson’s The Big Tree; or a horizontal view similar to FTD’s Haplotree. You can focus in on a particular clade by clicking on the clade name in the node. Use your browser back button to return to the previous level of view. Hovering over a SNP name will display a small pop-up that will present the GRCh38 location of the SNP and what nucleotide(s) changed. The first letter or letter combination indicates the ancestral value(s) at that location, while the second, final set indicates the derived value(s), what the mutation changed the original value(s) to. For example, GRCh38:6911940-G-C means that at GRCh38 location 6911940 on the Y chromosome the ancestral G (guanine) nucleotide mutated to a derived C (cytosine) nucleotide.